Our new distributor
Our distributor network is extremely important to us because it allows spreading our technological thought all over the world. That is why we proudly present a new company that became our distributor: American company UAV Propulsion Tech based in Tampa (Florida).
Through the partnership with UAV Propulsion Tech, we see an opportunity to implement our solutions in the American market.
- More about our distributor – UAV Propulsion Tech:
UAV Propulsion Tech represents several global organizations providing advanced hardware solutions for defense and delivery UAV applications. These solutions include engines, servos, autopilots, gimbals, fuel systems, motors/generators, fuel cells, propellers, rescue parachutes, hyperspectral cameras, MEMS INS GPS and now Aerobits aviation transponders. Bob Schmidt is the president/founder of UAV Propulsion Tech. Bob has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) from Lawrence Technological University, a Master of Science in Administration (MSA) from Central MI University, and has over 30 years of industry experience in automotive propulsion/fuel systems and aerospace UAV hardware solutions.
Check webpage: https://uavpropulsiontech.com/