Welcome to the group of our distributors
We are pleased to announce that Nordic Aviation, headed by Goran Karlsson, has joined group of Aerobits distributors. Company Nordic Aviation was founded in 2008. The main focus initially was to offer a language test according to ICAO and Transportstyrelsens (CAA) requirements for the holder of a radiotelephony certificate for aviation. After that Nordic Aviation started to sell gliders, avionics and accessories for general aviation. Nordic Aviation also offers education like radio communication for aviation.
Briefly about Göran Karlsson:
- hobby pilot since 1990 (gliders, general aviation and radio-controlled airplanes),
- has competed in gliding on the national level,
- working as an air traffic controller since 1999 with military and civilian experience,
- language assessor since 2008,
- glider technician since 2011.
Visit webpage: https://nordicaviation.eu/