About our client:
KalScott Engineering provides specialized, full-service research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) solutions for the Aerospace, Defense, and Remote Sensing industries.
Recent clients include the US Navy Space and Naval Warfare Command (SPAWAR), NASA Dryden, US Department of Energy, US National Science Foundation, and the US Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR).
- KalScott's core competencies are:
- Manned & Unmanned Flight Operations
- Flight Sciences Research & Development
- Defense & Homeland Security Research & Development

System and technology specification:
Aerobits in cooperation with KalScott Engineering Inc. from Kansas (USA), delivered for the American market the following infrastructure, both ground and airborne:
- OGS (Omnidirectional Ground Station)
- HOD (Hook-On-Device) devices, based on LTE technologies, for the purpose of the demonstration site.
The most important goal of the project was to introduce mobile identification (e-identification) in the USA over LTE.
The second important goal was to present the current GSM-based capabilities to the widest possible group of customers (not only remote-ID operating on the basis of Bluetooth but also full tracking on BVLOS flights).
The project was also aimed at the possibility of showing the system to a wider range of customers, agencies and rule-makers. Aerobits was responsible for providing hardware with data. Gathered data can be easily integrated with any commercially available UTM system via integration protocol, making it an open service.
Important facilitation in the project was the territorial infrastructure of KalScott Engineering Inc. Due to it, it was possible to freely set up the testing infrastructure. We hope that the project allows us to meet American customers with Aerobits solutions dedicated to e-identification in the airspace.