Co-financing of the project from the European Union funds
- Project number: POIR.01.02.00-00-0232/17
- Project title: Component of the physical layer of DAA (Detect and Avoid) technology for safe UAS integration into the non-segregated airspace
- Scope of the project: The expected growth of air transportation in the next twenty years is up to 250%. This poses a huge challenge for air traffic management systems as they are based mainly on old technologies in form of primary and secondary radars. In order to meet new needs, aviation is undergoing transformations in which an important part is played by the technology of satellite navigation – GNSS. It is seen as a possibility to ensure safety in the constantly “shrinking” airspace, which is now also starting to be shared with unmanned aerial vehicles. It is estimated that about 60% of aircraft are equipped with modern ADS-B system, most of which operate on high altitudes. General Aviation vehicles, which operate on lower altitudes, still use only transponders (mainly Mode-S), and are under the highest threat of collision with UAS. The idea of combining ADS-B with the functionality of a secondary radar, ensures higher compatibility with today’s methods of air traffic surveillance. The target system will allow for positioning of manned aerial vehicles without any compromises, which is a key feature of UTM and U-Space design.

Umowa o dofinansowanie Projektu: Element warstwy fizycznej technologii DAA (detekcji i unikania) dla bezpiecznej integracji BSP w niesegregowaną przestrzeń powietrzną w ramach działania 1.2: Sektorowe programy B+R Programu operacyjnego Inteligetny Rozwój 2014-2020 współfinansowwanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej. Całkowity koszt realizacji projektu wynosi 2 489 460,66 PLN, przyznanego dofinansowania 1 956 816,61 PLN.