Project: Bedarfgesteuerte Nachtkennzeichnung (BNK)
To our German partner, we delivered 300 pcs. of TT-SC1b-Extended series. These modules will be used in a technological project improving the way wind turbines operate. BNK project is very important due to the inconvenience for the local community related to continuous lighting. By installing the TT-SC1b-Extended modules, a warning light comes ON at the wind turbines when aircraft is detected in the near vicinity of the tower (instead of being continuously switched ON). The 24-hour lighting disturbed the local community, so we are very pleased that our product has increased the comfort of life by keeping the safety of wind farms with objects in the airspace.

About our product used in project
TT-SC1-EXT is a high quality and low price OEM ADS-B receiver series operating at 1090MHz. The patented FPGA-In-The-LoopTM technology allows high-speed RF data processing with a significantly reduced number of electronic components. Simultaneous miniaturization of the module and its OEM nature opens a wide range of possible applications.